What treatments do you offer?
- Self - Hypnosis & Relaxation Techniques
- Short Term & Long Term Counseling/Psychotherapy
- Problem Solving & Conflict Resolution
- Communication Skill Training
- Brief Restructuring Psychotherapy (2 to 4 sessions)
- Mind-Body Healing Techniques for Medical Patients
- Mind-Body Training for Athletes (Sports Psychology)
Who refers?
People can self-refer. Many referrals come from former patients and clients as well as medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, physical therapists, social workers & nurses who trust me to work quickly & to support on-going care with other health professionals.
Why do people come?
- Insomnia
- Stress (at home or at work)
- Anxiety
- Habit Control (smoking, weight, hair pulling, etc.)
- Insecurity
- Infertility, pregnancy, preparing for child birth
- Relationship problems (at home or at work)
- Problems with lifestyle transitions (educational challenges, new job, altering life situations, dealing with illness, divorce, loss & grief)
- Enhance a particular skill or talent (athletics, writing, acting, public speaking, test taking)
- Fears, painful physical symptoms & life issues related to the diagnosis & treatment of medical illness
- Treatment of IBS & other GI problems
- Pelvic pain
- Autoimmune problems
- Allergies
How can you treat so many different things?
When people learn to master (control, organize, direct & balance) their feelings & thoughts, amazing things are possible in a variety of areas. I combine a bio-psycho-social approach with assessments that help most people develop a roadmap to deal with their issues.
What is the Eye Roll Sign?
In the 1960"s, Dr. Herbert Spiegel discovered that the vertical mobility of the eyes is associated with personality & coping style. There are 3 major styles: Apollonian, named after the Greek God of logic & order; Odyssean, named after Homer"s mythical man who traveled to find his way home; and, Dionysian, after the Greek God of spontaneous emotional expression. I use the Eye Roll Sign to identify the personality & coping style, provide an interpretation and then teach the individual how to maximize strengths & minimize vulnerabilities based on the results of the assessment.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of attentive, receptive concentration. The ability to experience hypnosis is within each individual. The role of the therapist is to assess the individual"s capacity for trance (entering a hypnotic state) and teach the person to use the power of self-hypnosis. Hypnosis itself is not therapy. It"s a powerful tool to augment a treatment strategy.
How is hypnosis used?
A few examples:
During surgery, surgeons have reported that patients prepared with hypnosis have less bleeding & they (the surgeons) can perform with more precision. Research has shown a decreased need for anesthesia & less pain in recovery. After surgery, patients prepared with hypnosis demonstrate more rapid & comfortable healing. It helps people return to their lifestyle more quickly.
Amateur and professional athletes taught to use self-hypnosis have reported more control over their performance. In one case, a professional golfer was able to move up the ranks to win his first tour event.
Cancer patients, using individualized recordings of guided hypnosis, report having more control over their lives. One patient was too distraught to accept chemotherapy after surgery. Using the hypnotic modality with an appropriate treatment strategy, she was able to move forward with chemotherapy without the usual adverse side effects.
A medical student, who had failed his board exams 3 times, was able to use self – hypnosis to put aside his fear of failure. He passed the boards on his next try.
A business person, who struggled with frustration and high blood pressure, was able to learn techniques for self-mastery. Thus, he succeeded in managing his frustration and lowering his blood pressure.
How many sessions will it take?
In general, 1 to 4 sessions.
How can you work so quickly?
In the first visit, I use assessments to identify strengths and minimize weaknesses. My focus is on where you want to go rather than where you have been. Each person receives a CD or audio cassette to take home for reinforcement. This cuts down on numbers of sessions required.
Do you take insurance?
As a licensed psychologist, I"m covered under "out-of-network" treatment. Payment is due at the time of the visit. Each person receives a receipt with all the information needed for insurance reimbursement.
Is hypnosis sleep?
No! It's a state of alert, intensely focused concentration. Another way of putting it: it's a form of controlled imagination. Even though a person may be taught to close their eyes, we"ve known for many decades that brain activity for people in a trance state is very different from brain activity during sleep.
Am I hypnotizable?
Hypnotic capacity varies with different people. I use the Mind Styles Profile & the Hypnotic Induction Profile developed by Dr. Herbert Spiegel. In ten to fifteen minutes, I can identify how hypnotizable you are. The goal with hypnosis is to individualize care according to each person"s capacity. People who are motivated are best at learning to use their hypnotizability to take charge of their lives.
If you remove one symptom do you get another one?
No. In general, there is a positive ripple effect. Mastery of one symptom builds confidence that leads to mastery in other areas. If a symptom represents something deeply psychological for the person, a trained therapist will be able to address the real problem.
Are women more hypnotizable than men?
No! Men and women may do different things in their imaginations, but there is an equal distribution between men & women in terms of hypnotizability.
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