
Health Psychologist
Licensed: 1988 (Psychology)
Private Practice: NY, NY

In private practice, Dr. Marcia Greenleaf specializes in:
  1. Medical Hypnosis
  2. Mind-Body Techniques
  3. Stress Management
  4. Counseling & Coaching for Life-Style Issues
  5. Identifying Personality Style Profiles
  6. Sports Psychology

In addition, Dr. Greenleaf works with children and their families after a diagnosis of pediatric brain or spinal cord tumors. Funded by The Making Headway Foundation, Inc., these services are free to families who have a child with a brain or spinal cord tumor.


Private practice: (1998 – Present)

Positions & Appointments:

2007-PRESENT: Clinical Consultant, On-going Care Team, The Making Headway Foundation, Inc., Chappaqua, NY
1996-2016: Medical Staff of Lenox Hill Hospital, Allied Health Professional, Dept. of Psychiatry, NY, NY
1995-2007: Clinical Director/Consultant & Support Group Leader, The Making Headway Foundation, Inc., Chappaqua, NY
1997-2002: Voluntary Attending Staff, Beth Israel Medical Center, NY, NY
1996-1997: Health Psychologist, Institute for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Beth Israel Medical Center, North Division, NY, NY
1992-1993: National Research Service Fellow (NCI), Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center, Dept. of Psychiatry, NY, NY
1991-1995: Support Group Leader, Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation, NY, NY
1986-1991: Assistant Professor, Director, Medical Hypnosis Program, Dept. of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
1981-1991: Director, Human Support, Dept. of Nursing, Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY

Scientific & Psychological Societies:

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis: 1986 - Present
Member at Large (Psychology): 1987–1988
Secretary: 1988–1989, 1990–1991
Scientific Program Co-Chair: 1989–1990
Chair, Speakers' Bureau: 1992
Co-Chair, Intermediate Workshop: 1993
Co-Chair, Advanced Workshop: 1996
Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis: 1987 – Present
Swedish Society of Hypnosis: 1988-1991
International Society of Hypnosis: 1988 – Present
American Psychological Association: 1991 – Present

Honors & Awards:

Milton H. Erickson Award for Excellence in Scientific Writing: 1984
Fellow, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis 1990
National Research Service Award, National Cancer Institute: 1992 – 1993
John D. Fetzer Institute Grant Award, Patient Issues Project: 1993
Advisory Board, Center for Alternative/Complementary Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University, NY, NY 1994 Fellow, Society of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis: 1996 – Present
Clinical Editor, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 1994 - 2002
Fellow, Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 1996
Award of Merit: Medical Educator, Clinician, Author and Leader in the Field of Hypnotherapy, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis: 1999


Teaching Programs:

1985 - 1991: Director, Medical Hypnosis Training Program, Dept. of Psychiatry, Consultation-Liaison Division, Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
1987 - 1992: Faculty, Wellness Program for Medical Students, Mt. Sinai Hospital, NY, NY
1990: Faculty, Hypnosis, Columbia Hospital and the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, Dept. of Psychiatry and Mental Health Sciences, Door County Summer Institute, Green Bay, WI
1990: Faculty, Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Behavioral Medicine, Continuing Medical Education, Dept. of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, NY, NY
1991: Faculty, Hypnosis in Brief Psychotherapy and Behavioral Medicine, Clinical Implications of Hypnotizability and Personality Style, British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis, London, England
1991, 1993, 1994 Faculty, Hypnosis in Brief Psychotherapy and Behavioral Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Cape Cod Institute, MA. Dept. of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
1992 - 1993: Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Courses in Psycho-Oncology & Behavioral Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, NY
1993: Faculty, Special Issues in the Care of the Cancer Patient, Psychiatry Service Seminar, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, NY
1993, 1994, 1995, 1996: Faculty, Workshop: Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Behavioral Medicine, American Psychiatric Assoc., Annual Meetings
1996 – 2017: Faculty, Psychology Intern Program, Lenox Hill Hospital, NY, NY
1998: Faculty, Hypnosis and Mind/Body Medicine, Lenox Hill Hospital, NY, NY
1999: Invited Lecturer, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, Tuscan, AZ
2004: Faculty, Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Behavioral Medicine, American Psychiatric Assoc., Annual Meeting

Journal Articles:

Greenleaf M: Clinical implications of hypnotizability: enhancing the care of medical and surgical patients. Psychiatric Medicine, 10(1), 1992
Spiegel H, Greenleaf M: Personality style and hypnotizability: the fix - flex continuum. Psychiatric Medicine, 10(1), 1992
Greenleaf M, Fisher S, Miaskowski C, DuHamel KN: Hypnotizability and recovery from cardiac surgery. Am J Clin Hypn, 35 (2), 1992
Greenleaf M: Cancer and women: redefining the self. Gynecologic Oncology Nursing, 4(2), 1994
Greenleaf M: Caring for women with cancer: expanding our consciousness. Gynecologic Oncology Nursing, 1995
DuHamel KN, Difede J, Foley F, Greenleaf, M: Hypnotizability and trauma symptoms after burn surgery. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 50(1): 33, 2002.
Spiegel H, Greenleaf, M: Commentary: defining hypnosis. Am J Clin Hyp, 48 (2-3), 2006
Greenleaf M: Mind styles and hypnotizability: measure and match to enhance medical treatment. Am J Clin Hyp 49(1): 41-58, July, 2006

Book Chapters:

  1. McKegney FP, Greenleaf M. Psychiatric emergencies in oncology. Chapter in: Handbook of Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies. Wiernik P and Dutcher J, eds. Plenum Press, 1986
  2. Siffert J, Greenleaf M, Mannis R & Allen J. Pediatric brain tumors. Chapter in: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. Bewick C, ed. W B Saunders Company, 1999
  3. Spiegel H, Greenleaf M, & Spiegel D. Hypnosis: an adjunct for psychotherapy. Chapter in: Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 7th edition. Sadock BJ & Sadock VA, eds. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2000
  4. Spiegel H, Greenleaf M, & Spiegel D. Hypnosis: an adjunct for psychotherapy. Chapter in: Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 8th edition. Sadock BJ & Sadock VA, eds. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2005


  1. Greenleaf M, McKegney FP: The use of hypnosis to treat an altered state of consciousness diagnosed as depression. Am J Clin Hypn, 28(3), 1986
  2. Greenleaf M, Fisher S: Preoperative training in self-hypnosis for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. Am J Clin Hypn, 28(3), 1986
  3. Greenleaf M, Fisher S, Miaskowski C, DuHamel KN: High and low hypnotizability and physiological responses to cardiac surgery. Inter J Clin & Exper Hypn, 44(4), 1996
  4. Greenleaf M: Medical patients at risk: rapid assessments and therapeutic choices. Inter J Clin & Exper Hypn, 44(4), 1996


1982-1983: "A Study of the Efficacy of SelfControl Strategies in the Management of Job Stressors," Dept. of Nursing, HAECOM, Bronx, NY
1983-1985: "Hypnotizability as a Predictor of Recovery for Coronary Artery Bypass Patients," Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery, HAECOM, Bronx, NY - Doctoral Dissertation, With Distinction.
1998-1999: “Hypnotizability and Trauma Symptoms After Burn Surgery,” New York Presbyterian Hospital Burn Trauma Unit, Dissertation Committee - KN DuHamel, Ferkauf School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, NY, NY

Non-print Materials:

Greenleaf M. PARTNERSHIP FOR SURVIVAL. "The Cancer Experience: Living with Treatment." Video Series. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society and Glaxo, Inc.

Topic Presentations:
Public Forums, Hospital In-Service, Academic Meetings & Grand Rounds


Since 1988, Dr. Greenleaf has been in private practice as a licensed psychologist. She's developed psycho- physiological techniques & strategies to help people take control over their lives – whether to give a lecture, manage medical conditions related to an injury or medical diagnosis, resolve inter-personal conflicts or optimize performance in sports, the arts or business.

Dr. Greenleaf started her education as a dancer studying relaxation techniques & ideokinesis. These techniques, which include mental imagery to enhance performance and alter physiological responses, are the basis of mind-body work she does with dancers, athletes and medical patients.

In the mid-1970's, she began intensive training in the hypnotic modality which includes formal hypnosis, self-hypnosis, guided imagery, relaxation techniques & visualization.

When Dr. Greenleaf was in the Dept. of Nursing at The Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, she worked bedside with patients to alleviate problems related to medical conditions. She covered every unit in the hospital from orthopedic & cardiac surgery to diagnostic procedures & oncology.

In 1986, she was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She held two positions: Director of Human Support for Patients in the Dept. of Nursing and Director of Training in Medical Hypnosis in the Dept. of Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

In the medical field, she is trained to help patients & their families activate healing, improve recovery & find practical solutions to cope with every phase of treatment, recovery or loss.

Personal Statement:

My goal is to help each individual fulfill his or her uniqueness in the course of day to day living.